List of TCI Tall Clubs in the USA and Canada
This is a list of all the currently active TCI member Clubs spanning the U.S. and Canada! They are listed alphabetically by province/state. If you do not find a club near you, you may be eligible to become a “TCI Member at Large,” or think about starting a new club in your city. Click here for TCI membership info.
We also have a list of clubs outside of the USA and Canada.
Tall Clubs International™ Tall Clubs in Canada
Club Name: Club des Grands du Quebec Tall Club
Contact: Nathalie Hetu
Email: montretalls@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nathalie.hetu1
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Norma Forrest – Email: norma_forrest@sympatico.ca
Club Name: Sea 2 Sky Peaks
Postal: 2560 Naramata Road
Naramata, BC V0H 1N1 CANADA
Email: sea2skypeaks@gmail.com Margaret Van Westen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1851869371691301/?ref=group_header
Scholarship program: YES!
**Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
**Scholarship Coordinator: Norma Forrest – Email: norma_forrest@sympatico.ca
Club Name: Tall Club of Toronto
Postal: 12 Rutherglen Road
Toronto, Ontario M4G 1L6 Canada
Email: tctjohnm@yahoo.ca (John Magee)
Website: http://www.tallclub.com
Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Tall-Club-of-Toronto/
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Norma Forrest – Email: norma_forrest@sympatico.ca
Tall Clubs International™ Tall Clubs in the U.S.A.
Phoenix, Arizona
Club Name: Central Arizona Tall Society
Postal: P.O. Box 61811
Phoenix, AZ 85082-1811 USA
Email: mekotim@gmail.com (Tim Meko)
Website: http://www.tallphoenix.org
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Nancy Collier – Email: phxtallscholarship@gmail.com
CALIFORNIA (Listed Alphabetically by City)
Anaheim, California
Club Name: Tall Club of Orange County
Postal: Shirleen Murphy
8700 Hummingbird Ave.
Fountain Valley, Ca. 92708
Telephone Contact: Shirleen Murphy – 714-965-0492 or 714-608-7780
Email: Shirleen Murphy – smmcnamee@earthlink.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TallClubofOC/
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Shirleen Murphy – Email: smmcnamee@earthlink.net
Los Angeles, California
Club Name: California Tip Toppers –“Earth’s first Tall Club!”
Membership inquiries to Kristie Denzer: scrapperkad@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/californiatiptopperstallclub/
Web page:
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Norene Roxbury – Email: nroxbury@aol.com
Club Name: Pacific Tall Club
Postal: c/o Oliver Gruter
1121 Marion Miller
Pahrump, NV 89048
Tel: 925-200-2442
Email: ogruter@yahoo.com Oliver Gruter
Sacramento, California
Club Name: Sacramento Tall Club
For contact information, please email us at: info@SacramentoTallClub.org
Facebook page: www.fb.com/groups/sactallclub/
Events Calendar: www.meetup.com/sacramento-tall-club/events/
Website: https://www.sacramentotallclub.org/
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Tom Sullivan – Email: scholarship@sacramentotallclub.org
San Francisco, California
Club Name: Golden Gate Tip Toppers
Membership inquiries to Ray B: (916)363-1887
Facebook: Golden Gate Tip Toppers | Facebook
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Billie Jean Morison – Email: bjmoris@aol.com
San Jose, California
Club Name: Tall Club of Silicon Valley
Postal: PO Box 20762 – Castro Valley, CA 94546
Membership Inquiries: (408) 655-1685 (Mike Rivard)
Email: rivard@sbcglobal.net or docrivard@gmail.com
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Billie Jean Morison – Email: bjmoris@aol.com
Santa Rosa, California (Sonoma County)
Club Name: Redwood Empire Tall Club
Postal: Care of Bob Hirsch
1055 Montgomery Rd.
Sebastopol, CA 95472-3024 USA
Tel: 707-483-6228
Email: bobwvi@yahoo.com (Bob Hirsch)
Web page: Redwood Empire Tall Club / Meetup Page
Scholarship program: No
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Billie Jean Morison – Email: bjmoris@aol.com
Denver, Colorado
Club Name: Timberline Club of Denver
Postal: Care of Mike Rudloff
Timberline Tall Club
8200 S. Quebec St., A3-702
Centennial, CO 80112
Email: timberlinejim@yahoo.com – (Jim Lancy)
Club Email: timberline.tall.club.of.denver@gmail.com
Website: timberlinetallclubofdenver.weebly.com
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Bob Weltzer – Email: rweltzer@ix.netcom.com
Naugatuck, Connecticut
Club Name: Southern Connecticut Tall Club
Postal: Care of Karen Ciccone
PO Box 245
Naugatuck, CT 06770 USA
Tel: 203 723 2992
Email: ksabal@snet.net (Karen Ciccone)
Web page: Southern Connecticut Tall Club
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Boston Beanstalks – Email: scholarship@hubtall.org
Washington DC
Club Name: Tall Club of Greater Washington DC
Postal: 131118 Parson Lane
Fairfax, VA 22033-3424 USA
Email: tcgwdc@aol.com (Brian Shorb)
Web page: Tall Club of Greater Washington DC
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Brian ‘Bear’ Shorb – Email: tcgwdc@aol.com
Southeast Florida (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, The Keys)
Club Name: Florida Skyliners of Miami
Postal: P.O. Box 832401
Miami, FL 33283 USA
Tel: (786)349-7311
Email: cboggs1947@aol.com Clark Boggs
Website: tallmiami.org
Facebook: Florida Skyliners | Facebook
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinators:
*East Florida (Miami Skyliners): Bob Habenicht – Email: tallbob1@bellsouth.net
Jeri Habenicht – Email: jl4earth@bellsouth.net
*West Florida: (Member-At-Large): Nancy Jacoby – Email: nancyjacoby@comcast.net
Naples, Florida
Club Name: Tall Friends of SWFL
Contact: Nancy Dagher
Email: TallFriendsofSWFL@gmail.com
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinators:
*East Florida (Miami Skyliners): Bob Habenicht – Email: tallbob1@bellsouth.net
Jeri Habenicht – Email: jl4earth@bellsouth.net
*West Florida: (Member-At-Large): Nancy Jacoby – Email: nancyjacoby@comcast.net
Chicago, Illinois
Club Name: Paramount Tall Club of Chicago
Postal: P.O. Box 316614
Chicago, IL 60631-6614 USA
Email: tallclubchicago@yahoo.com (Diane Matthisen)
Website: http://www.tallclubchicago.org
Scholarship program: YES!
**Scholarship Requirements found at Scholarship Information – Paramount Tall Club of Chicago (tallclubchicago.org)
**Scholarship Coordinator: Jim Nelson – Email: ptcscholarship@gmail.com
Baltimore, Maryland
Club Name: Baltimore Tall Club
Email: jwalswe@myactv.net (John Waltman)
Phone: 301-573-3254
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Brian ‘Bear’ Shorb – Email: tcgwdc@aol.com
Boston, Massachusetts
Club Name: Boston Beanstalks Tall Club
Postal: Boston Beanstalks Tall Club
P.O. Box 610185
Newton, MA 02461 USA
President: president@hubtall.org
Membership info requests: membership@hubtall.org
Scholarship info requests: scholarship@hubtall.org
TCI Delegate: delegate@hubtall.org
Website: http://www.hubtall.org
Tel: 617-HUB-TALL (617-482-8255)
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Boston Beanstalks – Email: scholarship@hubtall.org
Detroit, Michigan
Club Name: Tip Toppers Club of Detroit
Postal: PO Box 700064, Plymouth, MI 48170
TCI Contact: Kris Liebold – lieboldk@comcast.net
Find us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/228800230835265/
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Bev Tysklind – Email: bev.tysklind@yahoo.com
Kansas City, Missouri
Club Name: Kansas City Skyliners Tall Club
Postal: Please contact us for mailing address.
TCI Contact: Charlene Denner – kctallclub@gmail.com – 973-777-4333
Find us on:
Facebook: Facebook
Instagram: Instagram
Twitter: Twitter
Scholarship program: YES! (Serving Kansas and Missouri)
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Charlene Denner – Email: kctallclub@gmail.com
Las Vegas, Nevada
Club Name: Las Vegas Tall Club
4375 Fernbrook
Las Vegas, NV 89103 USA
Email: tclveditor@cox.net John Morath
Web Page: Las Vegas Tall Club
Find us on Facebook:
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinators: Bob Weltzer: rweltzer@ix.netcom.com
Central New Jersey
Club Name: Central Jersey Tall Friends
Postal: Care of Karen Brown
32 Woodview Drive
Manchester, NJ 08759 USA
Email: karkar930@gmail.com (Karen Brown)
Website: http://www.cjtall.org/aboutus.html
Scholarship program: YES!
* Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
* Scholarship Coordinator: Nancy Jacoby – Email: nancyjacoby@comcast.net
Syracuse, New York
Club Name: Central New York Tall Society
This is a prospect club and not an official member of Tall Clubs International
Serving Central New York. – Based in Syracuse, New York
Email: CNYTallSociety@gmail.com
Web Page: Central New York Tall Society
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/608361661607781
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/CNY-Tall-Society/
Long Island, New York
Club Name: Tall Club of Long Island
Postal: P.O. Box 1653
Valley Stream, NY 11582-1653 USA
Tel: 718-843-2623
Email: TallClubofLongIsland@gmail.com (Arlene Krinsky)
Web Page: Tall Club of Long Island
Rochester, New York
Club Name: Tall Club of Rochester
Postal: P.O. Box 20197
Rochester, NY 14602-0193 USA
Membership Inquiries: wwallymoon@aol.com (Walter Narog)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2379635826/
TCI Contact: ephmanbill@aol.com (Bill Moehle)
Web Page: Tall Club of Rochester
Scholarship program: YES!
* Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
* Scholarship Coordinator: Nancy Jacoby – Email: nancyjacoby@comcast.net
New York City, New York
Club Name: Tall Club of New York City
Postal: P.O. Box 7961
New York, NY 10116-7961 USA
Tel: 212-332-0067
Email: bhanold11@hanoldonline.com (Barry Hanold)
Website: http://www.tallny.org
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Nancy Jacoby – Email: nancyjacoby@comcast.net
Cincinnati, Ohio
Club Name: High Cincinnatians
Postal: 8195 Windy Harbor Way
Westchester, OH 45069-8177 USA
Tel: 513-290-3453
Email: highcsmail@gmail.com (Dave Byrne)
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Dave Byrne – Email: highcsmail@gmail.com
Columbus, Ohio
Club Name: Columbus High Society
Postal: 1419 Virginia Ave.
Columbus, OH 43212
Email: carpenter.8@osu.edu (Thomas Carpenter, President)
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Dave Byrne – Email: highcsmail@gmail.com
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Club Name: OKC Tall Club
Postal: Care of Nellie Perkins, President
100 Spruce
Yukon, OK 73099 USA
Tel: 405-354-7562 Cell: 405-820-3113
Email: gdjands@sbcglobal.net
Facebook: OKC Tall Club
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Debbie Wilkerson – Email: gdjands@sbcglobal.net
Portland, Oregon
Club Name: Portland Skyliners
P. O. Box 713
Portland, OR 97207-0713 USA
Email: pdxskyliners@gmail.com
Website: http://www.portlandskylinerstallclub.com
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Skyliners – Email: pdxskyliners@gmail.com
VIRGINIA (See District of Columbia)
Madison, Wisconsin
Club Name: Mad Town Talls
Postal: Mad Town Talls
c/o Dave Janiszewski
6404 Crocus Ct.
Greendale, WI 53129-2424 USA
Tel: 414-421-0227
Email: djanisze@att.net (Dave Janiszewski)
Web page: Mad Town Talls
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Dave Rasmussen – Email: tallclubofmilwaukee@gmail.com
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Club Name: Tall Club of Milwaukee
Postal: Tall Club of Milwaukee
6016 N Elm Tree Road
Glendale, WI 53217 USA
Tel: 414-982-5501
Email: tallclubofmilwaukee@gmail.com (Dave Rasmussen)
Web page: http://tallclubofmilwaukee.org
Scholarship program: YES!
** Scholarship Requirements found at Process #1: Scholarship – Requirements (tallclubfoundation.org)
** Scholarship Coordinator: Dave Rasmussen – Email: tallclubofmilwaukee@gmail.com
Other International Tall Clubs
(Last Update (July 2015))
Tall Clubs International member clubs span the USA and Canada, but there are numerous Tall Clubs in other parts of the world which are not directly affiliated with TCI, but share a common bond due to our mutual similarities and goals.
Our organizations are not directly linked in any official capacity , but it is not unusual to find members of each organization attending the other organization’s functions. All Tall Club Members are welcome, both locally and abroad. The European Tall Club Convention is a great way to see the world with TALL friends!
These listings are maintained and updated by our TCI Foreign Correspondent, .
If you have corrections to these listings or any other matter concerning this section, please contact Dave Spencer at dave@sacbusiness.com.

Altitudes, France
Altitudes is the French Tall People Association Submitted by: Philleppe Gallois – Email: altitudes_99@yahoo.fr
De Højes Klub
Denmark Tall Club of Denmark Submitted by: Henning Lajer – Email: hlajer@post4.tele.dk
De Høyes Klubb
Norway Club for Tall People Submitted by: Lars Erik Kristiansen – Email: styret@dehoyesklubb.no
Grouss Leit am Klenge Letzeberg
Tall Club of Luxembourg Submitted by: Edith Roll – Email: georges3@pt.lu
Kerala Tall Men Association India
Tall Men’s Association – Indian State of Kerala Submitted by: Gigu Thomas – Email: Gigu_thomas@avtspice.com
King Size Tall Club of Sweden Submitted by: Lars-Gunnar Larsson – Email: king_size_club@sverige.nu
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Berlin
KLM Germany – Berlin Club Submitted by: Martin Sproede – Email: leitung@klm-berlin.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Dortmund
German Tall Club of Dortmund Submitted by: Christina Alberts – Email: leitung@klm-berlin.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Düsseldorf
German Tall Club of Dusseldorf Submitted by: Susanne Wind – Email: kontact@klm-duesseldorf.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Essen
German Tall Club of Essen Submitted by: Hildegard Vogt – Email: klm-essen-h.schwitzer@gmx.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Frankfurt Main
Tall Club of Frankfurt on the Main Submitted by: Klaus Fay – Email: bezirksleitung@klm-frankfurt.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Hamburg
German Tall Club of Hamburg Submitted by: Ralf Fritsche – Email: webmasterhh@klm-hamburg.com
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Hannover
German Tall Club for Hannover, Braunschweig and Bremen area Submitted by: Doris Sickau – Email: leitung@klm-hannover.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Karlsruhe
German Tall Club of Karlsruhe Submitted by: Angelika Moritz – Email: angelika.moritz@web.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Kassel
German Tall Club of Kassel Submitted by: Winfried Bamberger – Email: xxl.schwidi@t-online.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Kiel
German Tall Club of Kiel Submitted by: Doris Teegen – Email: klm.kiel@web.de
KLM Deutschland, Cologne
Köln German Tall Club in Cologne Submitted by: Alois Steines – Email: alois.steines@klm-koeln.de
KLM Deutschland, Mainz and Wiesbaden
German Tall Club of Mainz & Wiesbaden Submitted by: Petra Weitzel – Email: PetraWeitzel@klm-mainz.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Mannheim
German Tall Club of Mannheim & Ludwigshafen Submitted by: Hans Herrmann – Email: herrmannhanstheo@aol.com
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk München
German Tall Club of Munich Submitted by: Olaf Goeltl – Email: klm-muenchen@t-online.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Münster
German Tall Club of Munster Submitted by: Beate Brannekämper – Email: kontakt@klm-ms.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Nürnberg
Tall Club of Nürnberg Submitted by: Henk Enderink – Email: bezirksleitung@klm-nuernberg.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Osnabrück
Tall Club in Osnabrück Submitted by: Jens Hauber – Email: jens@klm.osnabrueck.de
KLM Deutschland, Bezirk Stuttgart German
Tall Club of Stuttgart Submitted by: Ilona Mohn – Email: info@klm-stuttgart.de
Klub der Grossen, Deutschland, Dresden
German (former East) Tall Club of Dresden Submitted by: – Email: info@klub-der-grossen.de
Klub der Grossen, Deutschland, Chemnitz
German Tall Club of Chemnitz Submitted by: Kornelia Weihbrecht – Email: katerch1304@aol.com
Klub der Grossen, Deutschland, Leipzig
German Tall Club of Leigzig Submitted by: Andreas Eichhorn – Email: info@langes-leipzig.de
Klub der Grossen, Deutschland, Magdeburg
German Tall Club of Magdeburg Submitted by: Mario Senger – Email: ???????
Klub der Grossen, Deutschland, Oberlausitz
German Tall Club of the Oberlausitz region of Germany Submitted by: Ronny Fuhrmann – Email: oberlausitz@klub-der-grossen.de
Klub der Grossen, Deutschland, Potsdam
German Tall Club of Potsdam and Brandenburg Submitted by: Joerg Hoba – Email: potsdam@kdg-deutschland.de
Klub der Grossen, Deutschland, Rostock
German Tall Club of Rostock Submitted by: Frank Hartung – Email: rostock@kdg-deutschland.de
Klub Langen Mensen, Netherlands
Tall Club of the Netherlands Submitted by: Paul Sprundel – Email: voorzitter@klublangemensen.nl
Klub Langer Menschen (KLM) Schweiz
Tall Club of Switzerland Submitted by: Christian Senft – Email: info@klm-schweiz.ch
Klub Vysokich
Tall Club of the Czech Republic Submitted by: Iva Cvandova – Email: klubvysokych@post.cz
Longinus Club
Tall Club of Austria Submitted by: Franz & Sylvia Murczek – Email: office@longinus.at
Miedzynarodowy Klub Wysokich
Tall Club of Poland Submitted by: – Email: ??????
Tall & Small Association
Tall and Short Club in Finland Submitted by: Maiju Havinen – Email: toimisto@tallsmall.inet.fi
Tall Club in Taiwan
Tall Club in Taiwan Submitted by: chi-hsun hsu – Email: chi_hsun@sinamail.com
Tall People Australia
The aim of Tall People Australia is to provide society and support to the Australian tall community. Submitted by: Fiona – Email: tallpeople@mail.com
Tall Persons Club of Great Britain & Ireland
Providing information for and promoting the interests of Tall People; practical, medical, and social. Submitted by: – Email: info@tallclub.co.uk