TALL people are celebrating! Another Miss Tall Portland brings home the crown—and title—of Miss Tall International®
Portland, OR: At just under six feet in height, Northwest real estate agent Sheryl Kay Lutz has just returned from New York City where Tall Clubs International™ (TCI) celebrated the 80th anniversary of Tall Clubs at its week-long annual Convention. There she earned the title of Miss Tall International® (Miss TI) 2018, along with the very big job that goes with it—spreading “Tall Awareness”—which entails traveling among 38 TCI affiliate clubs across the U.S. and Canada, doing her best to enlighten the transportation and retail manufacturing industries regarding issues of greatest importance to tall people. Those issues include everything from airplane legroom to clothing and cars that are correctly proportioned to fit taller bodies.
Tall Clubs International traces its beginnings to 1938 and the founding of the California Tip Toppers—Earth’s first tall club! It is a not-for-profit social and community service organization for Tall People. Men at least 6’2” and women 5’10” and over, enjoy camaraderie with fellow members while advocating for the needs of individuals of taller than average stature. In additon, the members of TCI have adopted two non-profit organizations, Marfan Foundation and TCI Foundation, as preferred charities. Marfan syndrome is a connective tissue disorder that frequently affects people who are disproportionately tall. The most dangerous part of the condition is its effect on the heart. Without treatment, people with Marfan and related disorders are at risk of sudden death from a rupture of the aorta. Separate from TCI, TCI Foundation, Inc. was
founded 1992 to generate funding for college scholarships for TALL students under the age of 21 who are entering their first year of higher education. This year, eighteen $1,000 scholarships were awarded!
On the fun side of TCI Convention 2018, Sheryl enjoyed exploring New York City and surrounding areas with the over 200 other attendees from TCI and many visitors from foreign Tall Clubs. She strutted the boardwalks of Coney Island, and attended a Brooklyn Cyclones baseball game in full crown-and-sash, drawing attention at every turn, especially from the many little girls who are instantly mesmerized by a sparkling tiara. A very hot week in the Big Apple was topped off with a perfect evening dinner cruise on the Hudson and East Rivers.
Sheryl attended Pomeroy High School in her hometown of Pomeroy, Washington. She is the daughter of Dennis and Judy Gillis. When not selling homes or performing her queenly duties, Sheryl spends her time keeping people of all sizes healthy as an aquatic exersize instructor at the Multnomah Athletic Club, Portland Parks and Recreation, and
her own My Aqua Trainer, LLC.
Before her elevation to Miss TI, Sheryl proudly represented the Portland Skyliners Tall Club as Miss Tall Portland, appearing in local parades, and working to generate new membership. Her home club thinks Portland must be doing something right, as she is the forth Skyliner to become Miss TI in the last decade!