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Miss Tall International® 2022 Mary Elemen

Tall Clubs International™  is pleased to announce that Mary Elemen has been selected as Miss Tall International® 2022.  As Miss Tall International she is the official public representative and goodwill ambassador for TCI.

Mary is 6’1” and currently lives in Wickenburg, Arizona.  She has over 20 years of history with TCI, beginning in the year 2000 when she first joined the Tall Club of Silicon Valley (TCSV),  later representing their club as Miss Tall Silicon Valley in the 2002 Miss Tall International® pageant.

After 42 years working for AT&T, Mary retired, moved to Arizona, and became a member of the Central Arizona Tall Society (CATS). She represented her new club when she was crowned Miss Tall International 2022.  Recent bylaw changes enabled Mary to participate as a married women and she is the first married woman to wear the crown in the 84 years since Tall Clubs began in 1938.

Since retiring, Mary has turned to her passion for animals into a pet sitting business in her community. She is now kept busy caring for other people’s pets along with her own cat and two dogs.  In her free time, she loves to travel and spend time with friends.  

Mary’s mandate for her reign is quite simply—kindness! Knowing that people are not always kind, she encourages kindness amongst others every day. She has seen that learning to embrace one’s own uniqueness, and passing that kindness on so that others can see and believe in their own special qualities is something to strive for and make a part of your life.  Kindness—and now spreading tall awareness—make for a very special life!

For more information, or to arrange an appearance or interview with Miss Tall International®2022, please e-mail Sheryl Lutz at

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