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Miss Tall International® 2023 Shelley Sage

Prior to her elevation to Miss Tall International® (Miss TI), Shelley was thrilled to represent the Portland Skyliners Tall Club as Miss Tall Portland.  In addition to wearing the crown proudly, Shelley has served her club in several other roles during her 30-year membership. One of Shelley’s most memorable events was the Starlight Parade in her hometown of Portland where she was actually married to her now former husband right on the float as it proceeded through the parade route.  

When Shelley is not travelling, and making appearances, she is working as a Worker Compensation Account Executive for Hub International.  In her spare time, Shelley enjoys water aerobics, dancing, and fitness.  She is an avid home remodeler and enjoys painting and actually hanging wallpaper.   She is very active in community support groups, supporting local actors and artists and is a member of Toastmasters International.  In a recent interview Shelley noted that one of her biggest interests is Tall Clubs International and the Portland Skyliners Tall Club.  

Finding the Tall Clubs was such an important and impactful part of Shelley’s life.  She remembers attending Grant High School and learning about TCI/Skyliners when she was 14 years old.  She couldn’t wait until she was old enough to join.  She had gained most of her height in her teen years and was still growing.  Her parents were not tall and were not fully tuned into the challenges she was experiencing.  
Shelley’s platform, while she holds the Miss TI title, is to encourage dialogue around tall teen concerns and create more awareness.  It’s still a need, today, despite the growing number of tall teens and social media.  Club members often express there is nothing like physically standing eye to eye with tall peers; sharing experiences, not feeling like your head and shoulders above the rest, and not having to answer questions such as “how tall are you?”, “how’s the air up there” or “do you play basketball”?  to name a few.

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